Global warming causes the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is typical damages of global warming. The greenhouse effect occurs when the atmosphere which surrounding the Earth absorbing the thermal infrared. The greenhouse effect has two negative phenomenon to that effects the Earth. First, the greenhouse effect generate the Earth's temperture rising. When the Earth's temperture rises, thermal expansion occurs in the sea. It is a cause that the sea-level rises. According to statistics, the sea-level rises about 3mm every year. The sea-level rises will induce flooding in coastal waters and decreasing the food and habitat for animals and fishes. For example, polar bear, great panda, java rhinoceros and another animals are endangered. Second, the greenhouse effect induce the change rainfall's amount and pattern. This means that precipitation is affected by the circulation of water. If the Earth's temperature rises, it promotes the cycle of waters. This natural phenomenon changes the amount and pattern of precipitation. As a result, this change causes droughts and floods in certain areas. For example, Bangladesh suffers flood damage. If the sea level rises 1.5m, one-sixth in Bangladesh is submerged in water. Indeed, if global warming is continued, it is not possible to ensure the safety of the Earth.
<Causes of the greenhouse effect> |
<Damage of sea level rise> |
Example of endangered animals and Bangladesh :§ion=kin&rank=5&search_sort=0&spq=0&pid=SAtHcdpySoVssul4uh0sssssssC-488580&sid=oED/jfGd0jxycGgzdv3kyA%3D%3D
Statistics URL:
picture URL :1.
greenhouse effect URL:
termal expansion URL:
circulation of waters URL:
Dear In Young,
답글삭제Nowadays, because of global warming, Korea is too hot! Also, Korea's fall is disappear! Today is so cold! Your paragraph is really good, but I want to see some pictures. Good luck to you!
Best wishes,
Jin Hyeok
Hi In-young,
답글삭제I’m impressed your post because global warming is a serious problem. I am glad you brought that matter to my attention. Unfortunately, the paragraph contains typing errors. It is better for you to correct ‘Acording’. Also, I hope you add picture about effect of global warming.
Thank you,
Moon Ji-yeon
Dear InYoung,
답글삭제I’m interested in your topic. I also talk about environmental problem and also about the ways to save the earth. Anyway, there is a typographical error in fifth sentence. You should change according to according!
Have a good day!
Hi Inyoung,
답글삭제I strongly agree with your statement that the greenhouse effects from global warming is getting deterioration. We’re losing spring and fall because of the global warming!! Also, you have good reasons about the topic. If I would say something for your paragraph, it is more effective to explain to add specific measured value such that how amount of sea-level was raised. Yours are perfect, but it will look more detailed.
Best wishes,
Hello Inyeong,
답글삭제I enjoyed reading your story with great interest! Your topic offers good information to people. Global warming is very important topic about protecting our Earth. Above all, your writing is enough to feel the trust because of various and useful citations. Finally, if you change 'Acording' to 'According' in the sentence 6, it's better than before.
Have a nice day:-)